Friday, December 5, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

While Adam and I were driving around trying to find a laundromat today we drove past several places that were selling Christmas trees. For some reason Adam is always a Scrooge when it comes to buying trees. Last year I was not in the holiday spirit and we didn't get a tree. I was so bummed on Christmas Eve that we did not have a tree. I really want to get one this year. I just have to wait until the right moment to get Adam to help me go get one.

1 comment:

jeffsgal212 said...

I live with a family of Scrooges. Seriously, they could do with or without the tree, and WOULD do without if I didn't put ours up. Zach did tell me tonight that he'd drag all the boxes from the basement if I did the decorating while he's at b-ball practice tomorrow. I guess since the dragging of the boxes is my least favorite part, it's a fair enough trade.