Sunday, November 2, 2008

So Much To Do, So Little TIme

Adam and I are officially moved out of our Indiana apartment. We affectionately called this our summer home. It was a very rough week for both of us. There was lots of driving back and forth and making countless trips up and down the stairs. Now our apartment here in the city is a MESS. There are boxes everywhere and I am not sure where we are going to put everything.

Adam's parents are coming for a visit later this month. They are driving here from Colorado and bringing us the most beautiful dining room table. It will look awesome in our dining room if I can get the boxes moved out. After Adam's parents come to visit, his brother is going to be visiting. My parents have met Adam's dad but not his mom, so my parents will come to Chicago at some point in time to see them.

Today is my day off. All I want to do is lay on the couch and watch TV and do nothing, but I really need to get some stuff done. I have no clue where all this stuff is going to go.

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