Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bad Blogger

I am a bad blogger!!!!!! Life has been very crazy lately. Here is a recap of the month of May.

Work-Two of my assistant managers are leaving. One of them was promoted to a store manager and will be moving to Iowa and the other decided he didn't want to work in retail anymore. This is quite stressful because we are getting into our busiest time of year. If you know anyone who works in retail that might want to make a career change, let me know.

The store is getting busier. We get lots of school trips that come in during the week and lots of families during the weekends. One of my employees asked me what I miss about my old store. I miss my customers. I established some really great relationships with some of the people who shopped in my store. We get lots of tourists at Navy Pier, so its not really the same.

Family-My brother CJ and his girlfriend Jen stayed with Adam and I a few weeks ago. It was fun hanging out with them. We took them to a Mediterranean restaurant. They are very picky eaters, but I think they enjoyed it.

My mom had surgery on her hand last week. I think she is recovering well. She just has problems doing some stuff because her hand still hurts a little bit.

My dad's birthday was last week and my parent's anniversary is this week.

I am looking forward to seeing my parents tonight.

Adam-I saw Adam for the first time in 9 days last night. It really sucks living apart. I don't have any new news to share about his transition to Chicago. Hopefully we will know something soon.

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